Yuga Labs指控Ryder Ripps摧毁NFT密钥以逃避法院命令

Yuga Labs指控Ryder Ripps故意禁用NFT钱包访问以逃避法庭命令的执行


Yuga实验室指控Ryder Ripps销毁NFT密钥以逃避法院命令。

Hassan Shittu

上次更新时间:2024年3月14日06:47美东时间 | 预计阅读时间:3分钟

Yuga实验室指控Ryder Ripps销毁NFT密钥以逃避法院命令

无聊的猿人游艇俱乐部创始人Yuga Labs正在与艺术家Ryder Ripps陷入法律纠纷之中,指控他藐视法庭。Yuga Labs声称Ripps有意销毁了他的钱包访问权限,其中包含了RR/BAYC(Ryder Ripps/Bored Ape Yacht Club)非同质化代币(NFT),以企图逃避执行法院命令。因此,让我们深入探讨这场持续不断的争端,并揭示其中的精彩细节!

在加利福尼亚地方法院最近的一项提交中,Yuga Labs要求对Ryder Ripps提出制裁请求,要求对他的所谓行为承担责任。Yuga Labs认为Ripps故意销毁了他的私钥,导致Yuga Labs无法访问法院的禁令指示的RR/BAYC NFT。🚨

早在2023年4月,法官已经判决支持Yuga Labs对Ripps及其伙伴Cahen未经授权创建BAYC NFT的索赔。这对二人巧妙地利用了BAYC品牌,于2022年5月推出了Ryder Ripps BAYC(RR/BAYC)系列。因此,Ripps和Cahen被命令向Yuga Labs支付157万美元的损害赔偿金,以及法律费用。看起来正义已经实现,诉讼终于接近尾声。

然而,在2024年2月3日,法院做出最终判决,支持Yuga Labs,要求Ripps和Cahen在两周内销毁或转移他们的RR/BAYC NFT。但是,这里有一个转折点——在2024年2月21日,Ripps披露他据称于2023年12月销毁了包含NFT的钱包的私钥。😱

Yuga Labs声称Ripps恶意行事,误导了Yuga Labs和法院。他们现在敦促法院因其行为而对Ripps进行藐视。作为对制裁请求的回应,Ripps和他的伙伴已经向法院提交请求,要求驳回制裁。他们辩称Ripps已完全遵守了10月的禁令,除了与丢失的钱包相关的命令。他们还反驳Yuga Labs的指称,称Ripps的律师已经联系过Yuga Labs的律师,与Yuga Labs所声称的相反。🤝

Yuga实验室对Ryder Ripps在NFT诉讼中的合规努力提出担忧

批评者认为Ripps的行为损害了法院判决的效力,因为他可能仍然可以通过备份或恢复选项访问这些NFT。此外,对于Ripps的合规努力的真诚性也引发了质疑,因为他尚未披露包含RR/BAYC NFT的所有钱包。人们怀疑他是否真正配合法院的命令。

Yuga Labs还指控Ripps和他的共同被告没有履行法院判决中概述的其他义务,比如支付律师费和偿还支付给特别监督员的费用。这两方之间的持续战斗仍在继续,双方都在向法院陈述他们的论点,以期解决与NFT相关的知识产权纠纷的这场争论。



Q&A: What Readers Want to Know

Q: Is this dispute only about destroying the NFT keys? A: No, this ongoing legal battle has roots in copyright infringement. Ryder Ripps and his partner, Cahen, created unauthorized versions of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs, which resulted in a hefty financial penalty and legal consequences for them.

Q: How could Ripps destroy the private keys? A: While the exact method of destruction is not mentioned in the article, destroying private keys typically involves rendering them irretrievable. It can be done by physically damaging the storage device or encrypting the keys with an irreversible algorithm.

Q: Can Ripps recover access to his NFTs if he has backups? A: It’s possible that Ripps may still have access to his NFTs if he has backups of the private keys. However, the extent of his access would depend on the specific backup mechanisms and recovery options available to him.

Q: What other obligations did Ripps and his co-defendant fail to fulfill? A: Apart from destroying or transferring their RR/BAYC NFTs, Yuga Labs alleges that Ripps and his co-defendant failed to pay attorneys’ fees and reimburse fees paid to a Special Master, as ordered by the Court.

The Future of NFT Lawsuits and Intellectual Property Rights

The legal battles surrounding NFTs and intellectual property rights are captivating the blockchain and financial world. As this disruptive technology continues to gain popularity, it’s crucial for artists, creators, and investors to navigate these legal complexities carefully. The outcome of cases like the Yuga Labs vs. Ryder Ripps battle could set precedents and shape future regulations in the NFT space.

Moreover, disputes like these underscore the importance of clearly defining intellectual property rights in the digital realm. Artists and creators must protect their works, while courts must adapt to the evolving landscape of digital assets. As the NFT market matures, we can expect to see more proactive measures in place to prevent copyright infringement and resolve disputes effectively. 💡

In conclusion, the Yuga Labs vs. Ryder Ripps saga serves as a reminder that even the most exciting technological advancements can bring about legal controversies. Let’s stay tuned to witness how this clash unfolds and its impact on the future of NFTs and intellectual property rights. 🍿


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